Green ash

Green ash

Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Plant Characteristics

Plant Type Long-Lived Tree
Height (m) 12-20
Width (m) 10
Growth Rate Fast
Pollination Strategy Wind
Flower Period May
Forage Value Poor
Fruit Type Samara
Edible Fruit No
Fruit/Seeds Available Fall, Winter
Traits Salt Tolerant
Carbon Sequestration Rate 79 kg/tree

Site Characteristics

Natural Region Aspen Parkland, Grassland
Hardiness Zone 2-9
Soil Texture Clay, Loam, Sand
Drainage Moderate
Moisture Tolerance Moist, Average, Dry
Sun Exposure Full
This database was created by AWES, with support from Cows and Fish (Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society) and the Alberta Native Plant Council. Contact AWES for a list of references used. Financial support for this database was provided by the Canadian Agricultural Partnership.
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