Latest Past Events

Shelterbelts and Ecobuffers Shelterbelts: Planting and Design

Grovedale Public Service Building 56361 TWP road 695a, Grovedale

Join the Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society, the MD of Greenview and the County of Grande Prairie on November 21 , 2019 for a workshop about Shelterbelts and Eco-buffers, and how they can be designed to provide ecosystem services to your land!


Woodlot Best Management Practices Workshop

Manning Legion Hall #120 4th Ave SW, Manning, AB

The Agroforestry and Woodlot Society and the North Peace Applied Research Association invite you to our Woodlot Best Management Practices workshop on July 4th, 2019 in Manning, AB. At this workshop private landowners will learn best management practices on forested private lands, how forested lands contribute economically and environmentally, management to maximize ecological and economic value and maintenance & restoration leads to healthier woodlots. We will end with a field visit to a local woodlot!


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