Description / Details
Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia)
Saskatoon is a fast growing, tall shrub with moderate to high suckering. It produces best in the full sun, but can also grow well in partial shade. It is adaptable to most soil types but will not tolerate prolonged drought or annual flooding.
Saskatoon flowers provide excellent nectar and pollen resources for pollinators, and its fruits are delicious fresh, dried, fermented into wine, or in a variety of savoury or sweet dishes. Its leaves and bark provide very good forage for livestock and wildlife such as deer and hare.
Saskatoon’s ability to sucker and its wildlife value make it a valuable and common addition to most Eco-Buffers across the province. It is also recommended for food forests, alley cropping systems, and along the upland edges of riparian buffers.